Monday 8 October 2007

WHY OH WHY!??!?!?!?????

Why are you scared of being alone?
People here have hearts that’s already torn,
Why are you troubled to see the end?
Look around you will definitely find a friend.

Why do you need a hand to hold?
Try and face this world being bold.
Why do you strive to be the best?
Just be yourself, just as the rest.

Why do you need a shoulder to cry?
Accept that this world is simply a lie.
Why do you build up trust with infinite ease?
People in future will definitely deceive and cease.

Why do you stare at the stars all night?
They are lonely too pinned up there tight.
Why do you tremble in pressure or pain?
People will not see them as they are insane.

Why do you crave for the lost dream?
It was just a flick that made you scream.
Why do you simply feel rejected?
Abiding by ones virtues has always been complicated.

Why are you scared of being loved?
Everyone don’t betray, so stop being cowed.
Why is loving someone else not your case?
Everyone has a broken heart beneath a laughing face.

Why do you stare at your cell waiting for a call?
You are simply wasting your time my doll.
Why do you constantly check your e-mails?
To get depressed after your search fails.

Why do peoples slaughtering words hurt you?
They have been doing this, this fact isn’t new.
Why do you exhibit to this world your softer half?
Practicality rules the world so they will just laugh.

Why are you staring at Hippocratic faces?
People here have been hiding them since ages,
Why are you even trying to be an advocate of God?
Your words will be killed brutally by Satan’s sword.

Why can’t you gather strength and get up again?
Life’s blows are recursive and easy to sustain,
Why can’t you fight and try and change your fate?
If not sooner then, then why not a bit late.

NOTE: The above laid out poem IS NOT a piece of my imagination & IS NOT self written.