Friday 25 January 2008


Harking back to the good old school days refreshes a lot of memories. Such bitter-sweet moments still lingers in my mind like the residual taste of coffee that stays on the tongue long after one has emptied the cup.......

I spent most of my school days in Army School Secunderabad & Bolaram(1-12) & that was the time when I made friends for life. I still remember the first day of school. Dressed in a clean,neatly ironed uniform with a hanky pinned to my shirt I was ready for the so called big day. I was rhapsodizing about my new clothes to anybody who would listen. Of course the banshee screams,filling of the bucket with tears &the tantrums I threw on the first day is a tale in itself :))

I was this mixture of a smart,naughty kid & being the youngest in the family I soon got the label of a spoilt brat. Whenever I got caught for my intolerable behaviour I was always ready to feign ignorance & put on the trademark innocent expression[i m so known for it :)].....I still miss those bumpy joy rides in the school bus ,the long conversations filled with giggles with my friends during the recess under a tree,the sharing of tiffins during classes.......the teachers,my friends(nisha,dolly,norah,ankita,nikhila,nidhi.etc)---all made a profound influence in my life. They were all there to support me,boost my morale & cheer me up whenever I was feeling low.....

The best part was that I was nominated for filling the posts of the office bearers of the school(the school appointees). Cant describe in words how anxious I was. I knew what a hash I had made of my interview & wasnt expecting much. During the assembly I was declared as the School Vice Captain. The enormity of the situation hit me so hard thatI almost forgot to be happy. I was in stun mode & that was one of the few times when I realised that I was better than I thought & stronger than what I was a learning experience in itself.....the Investiture Ceremony,the dipping of the flag for the oath taking ceremony,marching with the head held high.....I wish I could relive those moments *sigh* :)

I'd be really missing something if I dont mention the P.T.A.'s. It scared the living shit out of all of us.We loathed it completely. Also everyday we were given an avalanche of homework & the regular exam sessions did nothing to ease our worries :(.... We all knew that the 'devil in disguise'(teachers) would leave no stone unturned to tell our parents how much of a nuisance we were in class & almost all my maths teachers had the same thing to say(i was lousy at maths....nevre really got the hang of it)---- "u useless brat!!! learn from your sister. She is the epitome of good manners,good intelligence & hard work"...yeah right(sarcasm)!! As if I was some deranged creep off the street....!!! (lol) & there was also this P.T. teacher of our school who believed in sitting under the shade of a tree & inflating his stomach like his inflated ego. He looked like one of the extras in those gangster movies(pardon my language but he was such a pain in the ass)!!!!!

Like any other ordinary school school girl even I had innumerable school crushes*winkz*(i had my first crush in 3rd class) :D Ofcourse I tried attracting all of them but they were immune to my charms...lolz

Now time to get a little philosophical. School life does a lot to nurture one as a human being. Its when one realises their biggest strengths & weaknesses & works on them. School life is about enjoying each nano second of the precious days & coming out of the protective cocoon......sounds like an over used cliche ??? Trust me.....this whole experience makes u a better person overall & makes u realise that life doesnt come in black & white but it comes in shades of grey.... :) :) :)

Wednesday 2 January 2008


Standing with their hands folded & the closed eyes & the lips moving in a silent murmur.....a most common sight of devotees in temples. Thats what sets me thinking. Who are they prayin to??? To a non-existent god??? Well personally I dont glorify religious superstions; on the contrary, i'd like to make a pretty strong statemnt against it.

Since the beginning of time, spirituality & religion hav been called on to fill in the gaps that science didnot undersatnd. The rising & settng of sun was once attributed to the sun god & a flaming chariot. Earthquakes & tidal waves were a wrath of the 'gods'. Science has now proven them to be false idols.Since the beginning of history a deep rift has existed between science & religion. Outspoken scientists like Copernicus were murdered by the church for revealing scientific truths. Galileo who claimed that it is the sun which is the center of the universe & not the earth was kept under house arrest. It was difficult for the church to believe that how could god put sun in the centre of the universe when it was the earth which should be so dear to him!!???!! Religion has always persecuted science.

If religion continues to promote pious myths as absolute fact, scientific progress would halt & mankind would be doomed. All the holy books carry a similar requiremnt & same penalties. They claim that if I dont live by a specific code ill go to hell. I cant imagine a god who would rule that way!!! Since long woman have been treated as outcasts & considered as a source of object by these religions.The holy books are simply man-written scriptures.Frm a rational perspective this idolising of god is as absurd as any cult. If sumbdy like him/her(mother earth as they say) truely exists then why are we all living in hopeless misery?? Or should I fall for the words of a priest who says that the god is simply tryng to test our patience?? A testing time huh?? Thats a white lie! A lie to cover up all the other lies. But the truth remains that there is no god.Where is god?? Is he hiding behind the mountains?? Or has he built a wall so high that he cant jump over it?? Science takes time to bring out ideas. It tests and validates them. It doesn't attribute everything to fantasy and claim to have all the answers. The Origin of Life is a controversial affair, no doubt. But theories, proofs and explanations do exist that support the scientific version of it.

Richard dawkins's international bestseller "The god delusion" has argued that theres no evidence of god's existence. Agnostics argue that the whole religion buisness may be irrelevant but a 'god calld god' does exist. Gone are the days when a statemnt like that was simply swallowed & digested(with no indigestion problems apparently) lol....Now is the time when we question not only the existence of god but also of our own existence.Are we trying to imagine that god must have simply waved his magic wand & the earth got formed???Just answer one question...if you think the entire universe and everything in it is too complicated to have come up on its own then how did the super complicated God who created all this come into being ?

"My god is bettr thn ur god" many times hav we heard this statemnt before?? & wat exactly are the number of senseless holy wars that hav been fuelled by that sentence?? I demand an answer. An answer to an unanswerable question!!!

NOTE: The above views & statements are entirely my own & hence my intention is not to hurt anybody's religious sentiments.I can be an atheist or I can be sumone given to a pooja a day.Either way its nobodys buisness, unless as a public personality I use my piety for self promotion(as many politicians do) *winkz*