Sunday 9 March 2008

History creates itself....!!!

Who do you think is going to make it???
Barrack Obama or Hillary Rodham Clinton???
Barack Obama has built a commanding coalition among democratic voters, with especially strong support from men. While women remain a Clinton stronghold(for the obvious reasons). Obama still leads. But there are signs of vulnerability for Obama: while he has a strong edge among democratic voters on his ability to unite and inspire country. Clinton is still viewed by more democrats as prepared for the job. She’s scripting a tenacious stubbornly unyielding fight back to win votes from big states. Whether Hilary wins the democratic nomination or Obama does, history will be made in the U.S., where no other than a white male has run for the highest office in the land. A dream for many liberals who have chafed at the white male domination. A black man with an Islamic sounding middle name slugging it out for presidential candidature!!! What could be worse (huh?) than that? It will be like a tight slap on the egos of those white Americans who are prejudiced on the skin color issue.
Of course I don’t have anything against Hillary. I mean sharing the same gender I must be supporting her like any other woman. But I think more than women empowerment its racial discrimination that needs attention. There is a certain bias among individuals when it comes to holding important political positions. Their individual identity has been put under scrutiny. They are now referred to as the ‘black’ and the ‘woman’. More than their capabilities, its gender and color of the skin which has now become the hot topic for discussion.. If I had to pick, it would be Obama. But now all we can do is to wait and watch patiently. And I fear that if Obama emerges as a winner in the democratic race, he’ll be assassinated soon because such is the cruel side of this world. The weak is seldom allowed 2 raise his voices let alone become a president that too for a country like America. A country where racial discrimination is predominant. If Obama wins the presidential candidature (although it is said that republicans will be more liberal when it comes to dealing with India) it will hurt the egos of lakhs of racial discriminators. I confess I don’t know much about the U.S. elections but I am certainly oblivious to the fact how strong a foothold a president can set in the world affairs. A black president of U.S.--- a statement which if turns into reality would cause a sweeping change. Hopefully the hatred/discrimination will vanish. Hoping against the hope.
*Fingers crossed*

Girls and make-up - inseparable??? :D

How a BOY withdraws cash from an ATM.
1. Park the car
2. Go to ATM Machine
3. Insert card
4. Enter PIN
5. Take money out
6. Take ATM Card out
7. Drive away

How a GIRL withdraws cash from an ATM
1. Park the car
2. Check makeup
3. Turn off engine
4. Check makeup
5. Go to ATM
6. Hunt for ATM card in the purse
7. Insert card
8. Hit Cancel
9. Hunt in purse for chit with PIN written on it
10. Insert card
11. Enter PIN
12. Take cash
13. Go to car
14. Check makeup
15. Start car
16. Stop car
17. Run back to ATM
18. Take ATM card
19. Back to car
20. Check makeup
21. Start car
22. Check makeup
23. Drive for 1/2 mile
24. Release handbrake
25. Drive on.