Saturday 23 August 2008

Head Over Heels In Crush ;) (Ahem Ahem)


I am looking out of the window, with earphones attached and a book in hand. Suddenly my phone buzzed. A message from Sharanya- “Girl, come soon. Your crush is here.” My heart skips a beat. What if I m late to college again and miss another golden chance of seeing him? The nightmarish thought freaks me out.

I clutch my bag, jump from the bus (which is static of course ;])and run like a house on fire. My legs never seem to stop, ignoring all Hi's, Hello's and Hey's from friends, I climb the stairs of the college. I stop dead at the threshold of the classroom. I pull back my hair, straighten up my dress and look into the class. He’s deeply buried in a book and I am facing his back. I clutch at my heart (literally), look heavenwards and let out a deep sigh of relief. I look again at him mesmerized, and blushing hard. I brush past him and our shoulders almost touch (which means they don’t touch :( ). I have this sudden and strong desire to go up to him and tell him that I missed him so much. 24 hours is a long gap people! :P. But somehow I cant summon up the courage to do anything but to sit and stare. Stare like there is no tomorrow. I bit my tongue and resisted the temptation to fly in his masculine arms :D. I sit down on my respective bench, ignoring all nudges, winks, and we-know-you-have-a-crush-on-him looks from my gang of girl pals. I raise my eyes demurely up on him again. I feel the heat rising in my cheeks and I sit up straight and adopt a stony expression. But my angel-faced man doesn’t return my gaze. DAMN!!! He’s still buried in his stupid accounts textbook and discussing a problem with the other guys. Can’t help but feel a pang of jealousy. I mean I hardly get to see him and when I do, I find him engaging in serious conversations with the guys. A combination of frustration & irritation began to brew. Damn them all! I wanted to tell them to take the book and shove it up their Asses. You maniac! Darn you to heck!!(And I say this with a lot of affection :D)
OMFG! My world seems to freeze for a moment. He just smiled. The curves of his lips expand and he bursts out laughing. I can’t help but stare dumbly oblivious to the happenings around me. Look at me, I whisper. And then just as suddenly as I’d said that, he looks at me. I smile. He’s still laughing. Somebody freeze the moment!!! It lasts for full 5 seconds and then he looks away. The memory of it etched in my mind forever. He grins back and I nearly pass away.
I want to stand on the bench and do the ‘fix-the-bulb-and-crush-the-cigarette-waala-dance’lol. I was so torn between pleasure & joy, that if i dnt burst it'll be a marvel. *winkz*
Next thing I know am doodling heart shaped pics on my table and day dreaming about him. I can’t look at him without falling to pieces.
I was in buoyant spirits. When did I become so brazen exactly? He’s got the whammy on me. I am still staring at him with a stupid expression on my face (I’ll spare you the details. Trust me. You wouldn’t want to know!). I was incensed when I saw him. Was I acting like nincompoop college fool? I was overwhelmed with ecstasy. There’s so much about him, which is profoundly endearing.
I know how it feels to have to feel this way. It feels good.(Ooh yes!) I come very close to falling completely to pieces, to crumpling like a frail or spilling out. I m gaga over him. He has a smile that melts ice & a cool personality to go with it. I still savor the tingle of excitement whenever I....
All right. I am a shit. But at least a successful one. :)

My full-blown hard core crush. My eloped hero. One of the teachers of my college. A 55 year old man who’s ‘happily’ married. OUCH!!!!!!
:D :D :D

Before I wrap up lets ponder on two points:
1.Must I really spend the rest of my life writing rotten articles like this?
2.Must you really spend the rest of your life reading rotten articles like this? :D
Tell me. Go on. (Oh crap!)
Okay Okay dont get huffy. It was just a question.