Wednesday 2 January 2008


Standing with their hands folded & the closed eyes & the lips moving in a silent murmur.....a most common sight of devotees in temples. Thats what sets me thinking. Who are they prayin to??? To a non-existent god??? Well personally I dont glorify religious superstions; on the contrary, i'd like to make a pretty strong statemnt against it.

Since the beginning of time, spirituality & religion hav been called on to fill in the gaps that science didnot undersatnd. The rising & settng of sun was once attributed to the sun god & a flaming chariot. Earthquakes & tidal waves were a wrath of the 'gods'. Science has now proven them to be false idols.Since the beginning of history a deep rift has existed between science & religion. Outspoken scientists like Copernicus were murdered by the church for revealing scientific truths. Galileo who claimed that it is the sun which is the center of the universe & not the earth was kept under house arrest. It was difficult for the church to believe that how could god put sun in the centre of the universe when it was the earth which should be so dear to him!!???!! Religion has always persecuted science.

If religion continues to promote pious myths as absolute fact, scientific progress would halt & mankind would be doomed. All the holy books carry a similar requiremnt & same penalties. They claim that if I dont live by a specific code ill go to hell. I cant imagine a god who would rule that way!!! Since long woman have been treated as outcasts & considered as a source of object by these religions.The holy books are simply man-written scriptures.Frm a rational perspective this idolising of god is as absurd as any cult. If sumbdy like him/her(mother earth as they say) truely exists then why are we all living in hopeless misery?? Or should I fall for the words of a priest who says that the god is simply tryng to test our patience?? A testing time huh?? Thats a white lie! A lie to cover up all the other lies. But the truth remains that there is no god.Where is god?? Is he hiding behind the mountains?? Or has he built a wall so high that he cant jump over it?? Science takes time to bring out ideas. It tests and validates them. It doesn't attribute everything to fantasy and claim to have all the answers. The Origin of Life is a controversial affair, no doubt. But theories, proofs and explanations do exist that support the scientific version of it.

Richard dawkins's international bestseller "The god delusion" has argued that theres no evidence of god's existence. Agnostics argue that the whole religion buisness may be irrelevant but a 'god calld god' does exist. Gone are the days when a statemnt like that was simply swallowed & digested(with no indigestion problems apparently) lol....Now is the time when we question not only the existence of god but also of our own existence.Are we trying to imagine that god must have simply waved his magic wand & the earth got formed???Just answer one question...if you think the entire universe and everything in it is too complicated to have come up on its own then how did the super complicated God who created all this come into being ?

"My god is bettr thn ur god" many times hav we heard this statemnt before?? & wat exactly are the number of senseless holy wars that hav been fuelled by that sentence?? I demand an answer. An answer to an unanswerable question!!!

NOTE: The above views & statements are entirely my own & hence my intention is not to hurt anybody's religious sentiments.I can be an atheist or I can be sumone given to a pooja a day.Either way its nobodys buisness, unless as a public personality I use my piety for self promotion(as many politicians do) *winkz*


cricket freak said...

hmmmm First of all the "G" in God should be in capital!!!! I would rather contradict ur views ma'am....u said God doesn't exist.... actually he does.... God is not someone who is a stopgap arrangement for the vaccum formed for things which science has achieved..... i would tell u something.... u've been influenced a lot by few books.... if u checkout indian epics... u will find out that women were never was just that they never wanted to interfere in stately affairs... whenever they did they were rewarded according to their involvment... i am strictly against ppl going to temples & worshiping.... but i do believe that God exists.... u want proof??? then i would ask u few questions
How was the Earth formed???
which came first The EGG or the Chicken???
and i can go on..... am sorry if i had hurt u.....

Keerthi said...

well well well..let me congratulate you on your very beautiful thought provoking vs faith has been an age old belive or not to belive...given the fact that we pray any tree and stone it might take a little too long for the ppl to get convinced with your views..
I belive there is one positive energy within us which guides each one of us in tough times..and i guess we call that energy the end of the day its our faith and hope that keeps us going

A very nice one...havent read something like this for a long time now...claps claps

Meenakshi Janga said...

@ cricket freak

the letter 'g' of god is not in caps for a specific reasn & that is c0z i dont want to keep somebody as non-existng as him in spotlight nr do i wnt 2 giv him the importance he doesnt deserve.....talkin about women being treated badly i dont think there is any need for me to elaborate on it...the position of women fell to abysmal depths & the main reason was religion based discriminations.....coming to providing answers to ur question....are you trying to suggest that god made this chicken rain to happen or are you tryin to tell me that god can lay eggs!?!?!!! lol

Daya said...

its a good one but i think u made a teeny weeny mistake ......... u mixed GOD with relegion. GOD is the positive energy or rather God is the energy. relegion is man mader and hence you find them explaining us about a God who is not the God. they are the people who chant hyms in the temples to a god they dont beleave in !!!!!!!!!!!

Meenakshi Janga said...

@ girl next door

if i have mistaken god with religion then it cant be regarded as a teeny-weeny mistake....actually i have criticised both....i have elaborated on how god is simply an illusion of the mind....people tell me that there exists an outside force(god) which is powerful & who is known to have unimaginable powers.....what i have to say is there is no such external force....i spoke about religion too....whenever humans have not been able to answer any question related to nature it has simply used the name of god & said that he must have created it....

talking about the formation of earth it has O2,CO2,water, is not the only place where life exists.....its in moon and other galaxies where did we humans come from?? we are ancestors of ape.....
things are obviously far more complicated than what one can fathom....

between i appreciate ur comments....but i think this is a very debatable & controversial topic....

Unknown said...

From ur writing- u don't look like 18...

pls visit my blog too:


( :

raj said...

yeah ..ok.. ur views on god or whateva are better than me..
bt tell u wht..i never strain mayself thinkin bout smthng so insignificant!!
u've gone to science n history n all that..a bit too needless i thgt..maybe u messed up a bit wid dose religion things..

Anonymous said...

Great work.

Karthik Purushothaman said...

Hey again, MJ!This time, delighted by the boldness of your topic: Aham Brahmasmi eh? :D

Lovely that you wrote about this, and I don't wanna comment on the argument of atheism-theism as I think it's as hopeless as arguing about the existence of after-life. I mean, why the fuck should we care?

You're your own God and no one elseis, you are governed by your own principles and no one else's..

That's religion for me :D

And as an additional note, MJ please don't quote ppl, though that gives you a lot of credibility, I think that a girl like you with such self-confidence shouldn't do it cause

1. It sort of looks plagiarised
2. It diminishes the confidence you have in your word, and that's the last thing you wanna happen.
3. Have a little anarchy, at least when you speak of an 'any-man' topic like GOD, babe!!!

That's my perspective, and as I say everytime, I liked it in parts and felt bored at some but seldom disliked it. Happy? :)

Love you,