Friday 25 January 2008


Harking back to the good old school days refreshes a lot of memories. Such bitter-sweet moments still lingers in my mind like the residual taste of coffee that stays on the tongue long after one has emptied the cup.......

I spent most of my school days in Army School Secunderabad & Bolaram(1-12) & that was the time when I made friends for life. I still remember the first day of school. Dressed in a clean,neatly ironed uniform with a hanky pinned to my shirt I was ready for the so called big day. I was rhapsodizing about my new clothes to anybody who would listen. Of course the banshee screams,filling of the bucket with tears &the tantrums I threw on the first day is a tale in itself :))

I was this mixture of a smart,naughty kid & being the youngest in the family I soon got the label of a spoilt brat. Whenever I got caught for my intolerable behaviour I was always ready to feign ignorance & put on the trademark innocent expression[i m so known for it :)].....I still miss those bumpy joy rides in the school bus ,the long conversations filled with giggles with my friends during the recess under a tree,the sharing of tiffins during classes.......the teachers,my friends(nisha,dolly,norah,ankita,nikhila,nidhi.etc)---all made a profound influence in my life. They were all there to support me,boost my morale & cheer me up whenever I was feeling low.....

The best part was that I was nominated for filling the posts of the office bearers of the school(the school appointees). Cant describe in words how anxious I was. I knew what a hash I had made of my interview & wasnt expecting much. During the assembly I was declared as the School Vice Captain. The enormity of the situation hit me so hard thatI almost forgot to be happy. I was in stun mode & that was one of the few times when I realised that I was better than I thought & stronger than what I was a learning experience in itself.....the Investiture Ceremony,the dipping of the flag for the oath taking ceremony,marching with the head held high.....I wish I could relive those moments *sigh* :)

I'd be really missing something if I dont mention the P.T.A.'s. It scared the living shit out of all of us.We loathed it completely. Also everyday we were given an avalanche of homework & the regular exam sessions did nothing to ease our worries :(.... We all knew that the 'devil in disguise'(teachers) would leave no stone unturned to tell our parents how much of a nuisance we were in class & almost all my maths teachers had the same thing to say(i was lousy at maths....nevre really got the hang of it)---- "u useless brat!!! learn from your sister. She is the epitome of good manners,good intelligence & hard work"...yeah right(sarcasm)!! As if I was some deranged creep off the street....!!! (lol) & there was also this P.T. teacher of our school who believed in sitting under the shade of a tree & inflating his stomach like his inflated ego. He looked like one of the extras in those gangster movies(pardon my language but he was such a pain in the ass)!!!!!

Like any other ordinary school school girl even I had innumerable school crushes*winkz*(i had my first crush in 3rd class) :D Ofcourse I tried attracting all of them but they were immune to my charms...lolz

Now time to get a little philosophical. School life does a lot to nurture one as a human being. Its when one realises their biggest strengths & weaknesses & works on them. School life is about enjoying each nano second of the precious days & coming out of the protective cocoon......sounds like an over used cliche ??? Trust me.....this whole experience makes u a better person overall & makes u realise that life doesnt come in black & white but it comes in shades of grey.... :) :) :)


MUKUL_Muses said...

WOW....I wish I had done such a simple yet thoughtful analysis of my school days...!!!

The closest that I can come: is this article-

I did this college-time-analysis after doing my B.Tech.


( :

da_f3k said...

have yu actually written this each year from school days?
liked ur description of PT teacher..been there seen tat!!!

PANKAJ said...

hi u r site is gr8 i would like if u visit my site

Unknown said...

srsly...such fun v had!!!!
specially army 2 mein apna game during da recess time...