Monday 25 February 2008

Not all scars show, not all wounds heal.....

Sitting on the sea-shore I close my eyes,
and try to forget the pain and agony within....
You say I am hated, dreaded and despised,
But those drops of tears will tell you that I've been nice.

I liked you, I missed you and loved you beyond words,
But now you make me realise it was a felony comitted.
I was called heartless and my words were taken for lies,
But even that lie had a grain of truth inside.

According to you I lost your trust,
But there was nothing to lose coz you never trusted me enough,
You believed me and I shattered your hopes.
And you mocked me everytime I suffered and tried to cope.

You want to erase memories of me,
And kill me, slaughter me and rip me apart
But boy it aint that easy
Coz Ill always be there SAFE in your heart.

But no I woudnt ask for forgiveness
My hard core ego woudnt let me
You leave me distressed and I suffer in silence
My life's gone to the dogs and now its a complete mess.

I tried to ease things between us
But it would invariably backfire
Your rude remarks were unintentional...of that i was sure
But you never tried to communicate
Whether your love for me was really so pure.

You always acted soo demanding and victimized
and went a bit far too precipitous and bitter
you may have had plenty of reasons to be distraught
but I was aggravated by the way I was being treated.

Already stabbed by your hurtful words,
You made me cry myself to sleep everyday
Losing myself and completely cracking up
Thats how I lived my life day by day.

Those red puffy eyes
May never scream the truth
But the deafening silence between us
Will definitely wake you up from slumber.

So wake up
Coz it might not be too late
Better now than never coz
I promise I'll make you to beg me forever.

So lick my feet and kiss my shoes
Wag your tail and I might let you lose
But dont dare bark and make things worse
Coz ill pull off your skin and not let you remorse.

Healing my heart and drowning my woe
I commit myself to the bottle
Making merry and dancing to my tunes
But in reality torn between doubts and confusion.

How could i possibly forget??
My sheer astonishment to your angry outbursts
My resentful remembering
My days of utter pain in the heart and my silent suffering.

I hate you so much
That i could never love any one again i felt
But dont take it as an offence
Coz i mean it an insult.

Now that you are gone life's hazy and deceptive
And am mortal afraid coz theres nothing to gain
I have naysayers around me
Telling me that i am going completely insane.

Dont try to soothe the pain
Because the pain will never be soothed
But you rarely take interest in it
Considering it dull and uncouth.

I chastised myself for acting so emotionally
And i cursed myself and talked nonsense
But no more do i have the emotional strength
To counter your current vehemence.

But you still woudnt say sorry
May be because you are stoned or just plain shy
But now i so very wish you were dead
Would have been reason enough for me to cry.

It now seems presumptous that u would care
Your reversion to angry sarcasm
Has eroded my optimism too
But dont worry about me
Because am learning to detest you.


cricket freak said...

hmmm.... the words used can express ur feelings i guess....though harsh on the guy who "dumped " you....:P.... the words used were tooo good..... nice poem.... if i can call it one ..... :P awesome stuff... i hope that the guy doesn't t turn up coz if he does hez gonna screw his life....

Keerthi said...

Arre baap!!meenakshi kya likhi re!!..ek dum..woh toh gaya jo bhi you take a pat cos u deserve it!!

Cant say beautifully decribed cos this is not something which you decribe beautifully..i can say its a venomous discription..i must say this is how a person feels when the heart is may be atleast girls do..

while reading this..somewhere deep everyone feels the same..prolly its just the result of how hard our trust and love were stattered..

Daya said...

A tipical tauran arent u? god! i hope the poor guy dosent read this! he may get the worst sock of his life! or probably he should, so he knows the damage he has caused. ne how the poems great!!!!!
no i guess 'great' is an under statement!!!!!!!!!!!

MUKUL_Muses said...

Awesome !!!

Did u ACTUALLY fell in love with this guy?

( :

Karthik Purushothaman said...

MJ, girl sorry to say this, but I wish to clarify this: Just because I'm totally (mad about you) that doesn't necessarily mean I need to like everything of yours right? I mean I loved the way things went, and though you have your cliches (hope, cope, etc.) and repetition at various places, I would like to tell you one thing:

Life isn't bitter, girl. I know that, and I write that, and I live happily even if there's sorrow all around. Call it utopian, but it's true. Life's beautiful and nothing is as phony nowadays as sad poetry about lost love (Satires are different and that's why I liked the analogy with the dog :P)

Love's always there, MJ. Ppl are just too blind with prejudice and opinions to uncover it... Believe me, MJ: So are you...

Love you,

Meenakshi Janga said...

Heh. Before you question my ways of loving and living, try getting a life/love of ur own....okay?

Dedicating loads of waffle(love poems) to every other girl who talks to you isnt exactly love either, boy :)
Bless your soul.