Saturday 6 December 2008

Are we too soft on terror?

The terrorist encounter in Bombay has finally ended. But it definitely hasn’t put an end to the ongoing agony, suffering, and the angry outbursts… the whole encounter has left us appalled and shocked beyond words…
India has adopted a Gandhian approach to tackle such issues of grave matter and concern. ‘When somebody slaps you on the first cheek, offer the other cheek.’ Sounds disgusting and looserish. This time they made a direct blow at the heart but there’s little evidence of spirit and courage. We still remain overly submissive and compliant. The late response in issuing orders to commandoes itself spoke a lot about the country’s incompetent and coward politicians. We have ample number of unscrupulous politicos who would be happy to sell...their country in order to gain power!

Why are we so meek and powerless in responding? Isn’t a brick an answer to a brick? Weak and vulnerable, we let out wounds heal faster with no sign of revenge in future!
Time we got intolerant of tolerance. The threats, outcomes and repercussions we face are far more severe.

The involvement of Pak elements in the terror act is evident to all of us. The unprincipled terrorists who like to refer themselves as Jihadists are nothing but a group of uncouth ill-bred people lacking the sense of mind. Them BARBARIANS ripped away our homes and lives. Let them not get away so easily with it. The constant terror attacks from Pakistan have gone unnoticed and unaccounted for. Those are the chapters long buried in the books of history.
Political parties are not sensitive enough to appreciate the need for intelligence coordination and an integrated internal security structure.
I am not pointing fingers. This is simply an attempt at a slap on the governments face. We are not indulging in any blame game here. Lets give the politicians the thrashing they TRULY deserve!

We need a clean sweep of the mud faced arrogant, senile politicians (I can never run out of adjectives when it comes to them!) who lack skill and dedication ; who have done nothing but to raise the ire of the citizens with their insensitive and foolish remarks. Their callous attitude is shameful. We need a radical change from the current political situation. High time we answer the call of the need of the hour. The outpour of public anger through public demonstrations and marches is truly justified.
Last but not the least, lets salute those BRAVEHEARTS who despite being equipped with poor arms and ammunition, fought like true heroes. T.H.E.Y are the real life inspirations!!


Anonymous said...

simple nd straight...

Cyclonic Shanky said...

Good to read........
could you suggest what steps should we take......
and, what the government has to do ........

saiKumarArava said...

nice one meenakshi!!
In the present war like situation which has dangerous consequences isn't it reasonable to force international pressure on pak than having a war?

da_f3k said...


Anonymous said...

wonderful post..........
dis is such a nice post i have ever seen.................

Meenakshi Janga said...

Thank you for ur respective comments.

@Cyclonic shanky
I think I made it pretty clear in my blog itself that those who Preach change should stand up for change i.e., The Youth of our country. Security issues must be of the top most concern and strict laws should be made to punish corrupt & lousy politicians. We could START with these changes....

@Crazy dude
First of all lets stop behaving like dogs enslaved by the U.S. We are an independent country n there is no need for us to seek help from the U.S. which is in a 2-frame of mind. I do not say that war is the only solution. I simply say that LETS NIPP OFF THEIR MERE FOUNDATION. We could cripple them by cutting them off economically n asking others to follow suit, be stern about handing over the terrorists and reminding them time n again that we are way too powerful wehen compared to them.

I'd appreciate if u left a name next time.

Anonymous said...

nice blog... not just this one..

Karthik Purushothaman said...

Yeah everyone, ask Miss MJ for even remedies and solutions and you might as well sketch out an action plan! :P

MJ, sugar: For goodness' sake you're a great romanticist, who made me fall in love with you at first sight of your previous post (:D) but surely, fantasies of that kind cannot inspire real life and the same's the case for the vice versa too..

Write what you're good at, girl :)

Though I do appreciate the concern showed :D

Love you,

Meenakshi Janga said...

Thank you for the comment. I think its about 'freedom of speech and spreading the good word'. Going by the present circumstances, you cant entirely rely on people who 'run' the country. I think suggestions from sensible people should be given due respect.

P.S: Karthik, my boy, you better run for your life now :P :D