Saturday 6 December 2008

Are we too soft on terror?

The terrorist encounter in Bombay has finally ended. But it definitely hasn’t put an end to the ongoing agony, suffering, and the angry outbursts… the whole encounter has left us appalled and shocked beyond words…
India has adopted a Gandhian approach to tackle such issues of grave matter and concern. ‘When somebody slaps you on the first cheek, offer the other cheek.’ Sounds disgusting and looserish. This time they made a direct blow at the heart but there’s little evidence of spirit and courage. We still remain overly submissive and compliant. The late response in issuing orders to commandoes itself spoke a lot about the country’s incompetent and coward politicians. We have ample number of unscrupulous politicos who would be happy to sell...their country in order to gain power!

Why are we so meek and powerless in responding? Isn’t a brick an answer to a brick? Weak and vulnerable, we let out wounds heal faster with no sign of revenge in future!
Time we got intolerant of tolerance. The threats, outcomes and repercussions we face are far more severe.

The involvement of Pak elements in the terror act is evident to all of us. The unprincipled terrorists who like to refer themselves as Jihadists are nothing but a group of uncouth ill-bred people lacking the sense of mind. Them BARBARIANS ripped away our homes and lives. Let them not get away so easily with it. The constant terror attacks from Pakistan have gone unnoticed and unaccounted for. Those are the chapters long buried in the books of history.
Political parties are not sensitive enough to appreciate the need for intelligence coordination and an integrated internal security structure.
I am not pointing fingers. This is simply an attempt at a slap on the governments face. We are not indulging in any blame game here. Lets give the politicians the thrashing they TRULY deserve!

We need a clean sweep of the mud faced arrogant, senile politicians (I can never run out of adjectives when it comes to them!) who lack skill and dedication ; who have done nothing but to raise the ire of the citizens with their insensitive and foolish remarks. Their callous attitude is shameful. We need a radical change from the current political situation. High time we answer the call of the need of the hour. The outpour of public anger through public demonstrations and marches is truly justified.
Last but not the least, lets salute those BRAVEHEARTS who despite being equipped with poor arms and ammunition, fought like true heroes. T.H.E.Y are the real life inspirations!!

Saturday 23 August 2008

Head Over Heels In Crush ;) (Ahem Ahem)


I am looking out of the window, with earphones attached and a book in hand. Suddenly my phone buzzed. A message from Sharanya- “Girl, come soon. Your crush is here.” My heart skips a beat. What if I m late to college again and miss another golden chance of seeing him? The nightmarish thought freaks me out.

I clutch my bag, jump from the bus (which is static of course ;])and run like a house on fire. My legs never seem to stop, ignoring all Hi's, Hello's and Hey's from friends, I climb the stairs of the college. I stop dead at the threshold of the classroom. I pull back my hair, straighten up my dress and look into the class. He’s deeply buried in a book and I am facing his back. I clutch at my heart (literally), look heavenwards and let out a deep sigh of relief. I look again at him mesmerized, and blushing hard. I brush past him and our shoulders almost touch (which means they don’t touch :( ). I have this sudden and strong desire to go up to him and tell him that I missed him so much. 24 hours is a long gap people! :P. But somehow I cant summon up the courage to do anything but to sit and stare. Stare like there is no tomorrow. I bit my tongue and resisted the temptation to fly in his masculine arms :D. I sit down on my respective bench, ignoring all nudges, winks, and we-know-you-have-a-crush-on-him looks from my gang of girl pals. I raise my eyes demurely up on him again. I feel the heat rising in my cheeks and I sit up straight and adopt a stony expression. But my angel-faced man doesn’t return my gaze. DAMN!!! He’s still buried in his stupid accounts textbook and discussing a problem with the other guys. Can’t help but feel a pang of jealousy. I mean I hardly get to see him and when I do, I find him engaging in serious conversations with the guys. A combination of frustration & irritation began to brew. Damn them all! I wanted to tell them to take the book and shove it up their Asses. You maniac! Darn you to heck!!(And I say this with a lot of affection :D)
OMFG! My world seems to freeze for a moment. He just smiled. The curves of his lips expand and he bursts out laughing. I can’t help but stare dumbly oblivious to the happenings around me. Look at me, I whisper. And then just as suddenly as I’d said that, he looks at me. I smile. He’s still laughing. Somebody freeze the moment!!! It lasts for full 5 seconds and then he looks away. The memory of it etched in my mind forever. He grins back and I nearly pass away.
I want to stand on the bench and do the ‘fix-the-bulb-and-crush-the-cigarette-waala-dance’lol. I was so torn between pleasure & joy, that if i dnt burst it'll be a marvel. *winkz*
Next thing I know am doodling heart shaped pics on my table and day dreaming about him. I can’t look at him without falling to pieces.
I was in buoyant spirits. When did I become so brazen exactly? He’s got the whammy on me. I am still staring at him with a stupid expression on my face (I’ll spare you the details. Trust me. You wouldn’t want to know!). I was incensed when I saw him. Was I acting like nincompoop college fool? I was overwhelmed with ecstasy. There’s so much about him, which is profoundly endearing.
I know how it feels to have to feel this way. It feels good.(Ooh yes!) I come very close to falling completely to pieces, to crumpling like a frail or spilling out. I m gaga over him. He has a smile that melts ice & a cool personality to go with it. I still savor the tingle of excitement whenever I....
All right. I am a shit. But at least a successful one. :)

My full-blown hard core crush. My eloped hero. One of the teachers of my college. A 55 year old man who’s ‘happily’ married. OUCH!!!!!!
:D :D :D

Before I wrap up lets ponder on two points:
1.Must I really spend the rest of my life writing rotten articles like this?
2.Must you really spend the rest of your life reading rotten articles like this? :D
Tell me. Go on. (Oh crap!)
Okay Okay dont get huffy. It was just a question.

Wednesday 9 July 2008

A Life Altering (?) Rendezvous.

The below mentioned conversation is a conversation I have with myself. LOL. Let me try explaining again. This is a conversation I had with my Inner-Self (I.S) and the ego inside me. Both are a part of me BUT YET are different. Here it goes…

I.S. - A penny for your thoughts?

Ego - Just a penny? You are so cheap (I try to mock It).

I.S. - Tell me. Do you remember the last time you said sorry?

(The naïve question brought a smile to my lips).
Ego-What matters is that I can at least spell it. (I try to answer with a wisecrack).

I.S. - Huh.

Ego - Well you see. I do apologize when it’s my mistake.

I.S. - Apologizing is not the same as saying sorry.

Ego - Whatever.

I.S. - “A man would rather have a woman who toes the line and lowers her eyes demurely rather than who raises them questioningly”. Interestingly you are that very ‘man’ out here.

Ego - So I am a man now. Homosexuality is not allowed in India. But I must say your sense of humor has improved. Remind me to laugh later.

I.S. - Sometimes you need to shoulder your bit of blame as well you know.

Ego - I see no reason why I should.

I.S. - Life is hard.

Ego - OMFG! Now we have a philosopher in the making. Congratulations.

I.S. - Its always I, me, myself for you.

Ego - Heck! It has to be that way.

I.S. - Beneath the sun, all things must wear to an end at last. You, your ego, will fade away with death.

Ego - You speak nonsense half the time.

I.S. - Correction: I speak nonsense ALL THE TIME.

(The reply makes both of us grin).

Ego - I do not fear anything. Not even you.
(I answer with a smile).I.S. - Obstinate fool!

Ego - (I let out a hearty laugh)
Now you should not flatter me so much.

(It stared at me. Its eyes bore holes at me. Dreamlike it was, yet it was no dream, for there was no waking.)
I.S. - Your heart is shrewd as well as faithful.
(I wait for IT to go on.)

I.S. - Thing unforeseen hinder us. Your ego prevents you from the heavy dose of reality.

(It sounded like a guilt machine to me.)

Ego –(Severely inflamed). I m surprised you have the gall to….

I.S. - Stop refusing to be reasonable!

(It seemed like it was constantly whipping me up.)

I.S. - You are so smug, hypocritical. You place your ego above everything else.

Ego- I do care about people I love. I have a soft heart too.

I.S. - Care? Love? Are you sure? Don’t be so proud of it. What you are saying is a long way from truth.
(A silent embarrassment follows).

I.S. - I seemed to have touched a sore place. You tend to cling on with infuriating stubbornness. You are grumpy and resentful.

Ego - You have widely mistaken my character. But tell me what has that got to with my ego?

I.S. - You seem to be proud of your defects. You are a damned swine and that is all to say. I think I detect a note of dissent?

Ego - You are bound to.

I.S. - Why can’t you sometimes agree with other people’s opinion of you?

Ego- Coz I am misjudged and misunderstood.

I.S. - A remarkable and convenient excuse. You know I am being frank and honest here.

Ego - You are anything but that.
I don’t see why I should tolerate your impertinent questions. Don’t give me a hard time. Just get lost. Your statements sound inane. Almost dim-witted.

I.S. – Aha! There you are! Another trademark quality of yours. Whenever you feel your ego is under some threat, you come up with an ingenious plan to hurt the person. You’ve got more ego than sense. Surprisingly, I m getting perverse pleasure from your self- righteous anger.
So Lets count the number of times differences have cropped up between you and your friends and the times when you have ridiculed them.

Ego – E.n.d.s j.u.s.t.i.f.y t.h.e m.e.a.n.s.
(With special emphasis on each word)
Hence, ego justified.

I.S. - I see that you are always merely searching, immaturely and compulsively for a painful fight with people who matter the most to you. You are often mean, morose and rude. You like to strike back when you find your pride and vanity in danger.

Ego - I don’t!

I.S. - Oh really?

(There’s a pause and a slight hesitation in my voice.)

I.S. - (With a half mocking expression)
An unexpected question like that always outfoxes you.

Ego - (I lower my eyes in indignation. I let the practical arguments sink in.)
Your arguments are all frivolous.
(I try to lie).

I.S. - They are real. They occupy space. You seem to be running away from reality, from truth. Being egoistic is good to an extent, but beyond that, it can wreck your life.
Ego - Cut the philosophizing. I have no reason to believe that your views are anything other than bilge.
(My tongue lashes out in anger).

I.S. - I am not sure whether I ought to be flattered. I have to say that I sense a bit of desperation in your voice and you show all the sensitivity of a blunt axe. There’s something about you, which makes you say and do things, you know, are going to hurt them. Yet you do them.
You’ve got an ego as big as a tectonic plate. Don’t harbor the mistaken illusion that being an egoist/egotist is Characteristic of true pride. You are a self-centered conceited person with little regard for others.
You don’t like being subservient and talked down to. And you get ballistic every time someone tries to tell you that.

Ego - I am after all a human being. This is my personality I guess. Am not proud of it. But this is how I am. I.M.P.E.R.F.E.C.T. If you are expecting me to feel bad, then you are wrong coz I don’t feel the usual sting of hurt today.

(My reply is followed by a long, and uneasy silence between us. I am afraid I am going to lose the ‘battle’. And more afraid that it is aware of it.
It glared at me for a long time and a silent conversation resumed between us.

In the end IT left. Also leaving behind a guilty weight in the pit of my stomach. The bitter truth brought tears in my eyes.
The ego was stirred but not shaken.
Sitting there suspended in the ‘formaldehyde of reality’, I shed tears.
Tears not of anger but of INJURED PRIDE.

But I wipe away my tears and an evil grin surfaces.

At least, (I rejoice) I had the last word.)

Tuesday 20 May 2008

Reaching Higher and Higher and Higher…

I reach high to touch the sky

With my bare hands

I run around wild and jump high

To feel the clouds in my palms.

But I feel a mild disappointment

I don’t succeed n I just don’t hide

So I jump higher this time

Opening my fist I find nothing inside.

So I climb the ladder up against the wall

But I still can’t reach the mighty sky

Throwing up my hands I cry in agitation

But the expected sympathy never reaches its destination.

With the day drawing to an end

And cold stars glinting in the sky

The ambition refuses to fade away

N am determined to touch the sky

Looking at the horizon I make up my mind

What if can’t touch the sky! The horizon will feel nice to touch.

So I pack my bags n walk bare-footed

With the company of the self-but I don’t care much.

I walk miles n miles without food for days

Cursing the darkness but appreciating the sunrise

But I don’t cry, nor do I lose hope

Coz I know it’s a passing phase

And there will be highs n lows.

Battling the mighty wind

Bearing the hot rude sun

The only way I can be strong

Is to tell myself this game is fun.

But the horizon keeps vanishing from my sight

It keeps running away from me

I lose my temper but I don’t lose hope

And I walk n bear until I could cope.

Footsore and tired

I trudged doggedly along

Comforting myself

With a nice soothing song.

Trees seemed hostile

And I had to cover miles

With the sleep in my eyes

I sat down thinking for a while.

Finally I run out of patience

Coz m just a little girl

And I curse it to no end and hurl abuses n insult.

“It’s an arrogant, conceited thing”

Saying so I console myself

And I abandon my journey

By turning to mountains instead.

The sun grew misty

As the day grew old

The world seems gray

And the mountains seemed bold.

I had wanted to touch the heavenly blue skies

But my heart skipped a beat

When I saw the tall mountains

N also when I heard those little cries.

Tears rolling down her face

She looks distressed n pale

Her feet is bloody n with each moment

I see her passing away.

I extend a hand of sympathy

But am surprised when I get back one in return

I laugh at her. ‘You wretched soul’, I tell her

‘Look how miserable you are’!

I see her dying before my eyes

And I am horrified to find it’s my reflection

The shadow laughs back n says

‘I told you’; ‘You are a part of my creation’.

I am mocked by the blue skies

The horizon uses sarcasm that surely ‘kills’

My tears don’t evoke sympathy

And sounds of laughter echo in the hills.

I throw a last glance to the sky

And curse it wholeheartedly time and again

As that’s the only way my dear soul

I can ease myself from my dying pain.

This is Spam!!!

I open my mailbox with some trepidation and as usual I find my inbox crammed with Spam that would singe and scorch the retinas of all but the most jaded and tired out viewer. Omfg!!! Not again. Needless to add that the biggest number, of course, is that of Spam mails with offers for pornography. It makes me sick every time I remind myself to delete them all over again. Makes me go Ugh!!! Even the person with half the clue would cringe at the name of it.

But there’s something I came across in the newspaper recently which made my eyes pop out. Literally this time.

Mull over this:

“Spam is undoubtedly one of Internet reprobates’ tricks. So how does the spamming community survive and thrive when no one who is tad bit savvy admits to doing business with them? Would there be hoards of poverty-stricken spammers out there that are slowly, but surely, starving to death?

The answer is unfortunately a big NO.

Well, Contrary to popular belief, a significant number of spammers apparently aren’t at all interested in whether anyone buys their wares. They will, in fact, keep minting money even if you never click on any of the Spam mails. How?

The math is simple: Most spammers make money selling email addresses to other spammers, who then sell those same addresses to others and so on, say security experts.”

Whoa!!! Now I must confess outright that I was completely ignorant to this valuable info. How about spamming as a career? Now that’s one lucrative career option, which I am definitely not singling out.

*Evil grin*.

And why ever not? It makes you a lot of easy money. Spam masters make $10,000+ a week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And they don’t do anything except mine for more and more legitimate addresses and sell them for money.

Oohhh!!! That certainly makes me dollar eyed. $_$

*Bling bling*.

I make it sound so easy and plain. Don’t I? Lets hope to hell it is!

The Beautiful Feeling Called --- LIFE :).

Its easy to be others but difficult (read impossible) to be yourself...its hard to be just the unique you!!! So what if you come from a modest family?? So what if you don’t have a godfather to support you? The harsh truth is that no person who is in the best of his mind will come to your have to chart out your own destiny!! The biggest tragedy of life is not death but what dies within while we are still alive...that explains why so many of us have turned into poor, wretched, miserable souls!! Monotony has invaded our lives.... people say, "find your true self"...huh?!?!?! Find???!!!! Gimme a is not about finding ourselves...its about CREATING yourself... . Creation of the self. Creation of the head, heart and being. The striking facet of this beautiful quote is that it sheds light on the amazing power of self-belief! This may not be such a novel thought. Still it undoubtedly is an idea that is often overlooked...long back I made a foolish pretence of not realizing the true meaning of "creating" oneself.

Its you, yourself who has to live your life. Don’t let anybody tell you what decisions to make, what choices to consider, whom to love, whom to hate…. Do it all yourself and remember clearly that you yourself are responsible for all the highs and lows occurring in all our life n its your job to find a silver lining in the dark cloud.

You tried, you failed.

Heck, it doesn’t even matter. What really matters to me is that I ACTUALLY tried and tried to break away from the shackles of slumber and create myself. And what should matter is that you tried.

MAKE your own rules n bear in mind that rules are meant to be BROKEN. SET your limits and remember to NEVER put a CEILING to your aspirations. Be patient when the going gets tough but be impulsive enough to react. And most importantly believe that it’s NORMAL to lose. Keep this etched in your mind forever.

If you are one of those who feel that “ek dinn upar waala (read: god) sab kuch theek kar dega”, then now is the time to flush your face in the toilet. Do not forget to expose a larger part of your brain into it. I mean really!!! What kind of a screwball excuse is that?? It seems like a damn convoluted way of saying, “Things just haven’t worked out.” Stop behaving like a dog that goes on to lick other peoples waste matter. You aren’t a puppet and no one will make you sway to his tunes. At the end of the day it boils down to how you see life and how you perceive things. Life can either be a bed of roses or a bed of thorns. Its all in your hands.

Break free. Let the brain nerve cells and tissues realize its true potential. Strive to be what you have always wanted to be and not what people wanted to make out of you. Life has no meaning UNLESS YOU MAKE IT MEANINGFUL.

Throw away those self-help books. You don’t need somebody to teach you how to live your life!!! You have to live it YOUR WAY.

Life is not what your grandpa talked about. Life is not what you read in those philosophical books and life is certainly not what you dreamt about. Life is what you are going through. What you are experiencing. Each nanosecond of your life adds up to your memories.

Live not because you have to but because you CHOSE TO.

What we anticipate seldom occurs, what we least expect generally happens. You got to pull yourself together and get your priorities straight. Never let yourself go down a negative route. Purge all pessimism from your soul. Force to see yourself in an unflatteringly different light. Try to dispel the cobwebs of fatigue that are interfering with your cognition and emotion.

Our lives begin to end the day we remain silent on things that matters. Fan your determination. There will be times when your perennial optimism will take a serious hit.

Life isn’t an illusion. Orchestrate your present so that your future will be more to your liking.


You Trip, You Fall, And YOU GET UP. You Trip, You Fall, And YOU GET UP. You Trip, You Fall, YOU GET UP…………

Allright now. Cut the philosophizing. Who am I to go on with such psychobabble???

But isn’t the philosophy of one century the common sense of the next?????

Sunday 9 March 2008

History creates itself....!!!

Who do you think is going to make it???
Barrack Obama or Hillary Rodham Clinton???
Barack Obama has built a commanding coalition among democratic voters, with especially strong support from men. While women remain a Clinton stronghold(for the obvious reasons). Obama still leads. But there are signs of vulnerability for Obama: while he has a strong edge among democratic voters on his ability to unite and inspire country. Clinton is still viewed by more democrats as prepared for the job. She’s scripting a tenacious stubbornly unyielding fight back to win votes from big states. Whether Hilary wins the democratic nomination or Obama does, history will be made in the U.S., where no other than a white male has run for the highest office in the land. A dream for many liberals who have chafed at the white male domination. A black man with an Islamic sounding middle name slugging it out for presidential candidature!!! What could be worse (huh?) than that? It will be like a tight slap on the egos of those white Americans who are prejudiced on the skin color issue.
Of course I don’t have anything against Hillary. I mean sharing the same gender I must be supporting her like any other woman. But I think more than women empowerment its racial discrimination that needs attention. There is a certain bias among individuals when it comes to holding important political positions. Their individual identity has been put under scrutiny. They are now referred to as the ‘black’ and the ‘woman’. More than their capabilities, its gender and color of the skin which has now become the hot topic for discussion.. If I had to pick, it would be Obama. But now all we can do is to wait and watch patiently. And I fear that if Obama emerges as a winner in the democratic race, he’ll be assassinated soon because such is the cruel side of this world. The weak is seldom allowed 2 raise his voices let alone become a president that too for a country like America. A country where racial discrimination is predominant. If Obama wins the presidential candidature (although it is said that republicans will be more liberal when it comes to dealing with India) it will hurt the egos of lakhs of racial discriminators. I confess I don’t know much about the U.S. elections but I am certainly oblivious to the fact how strong a foothold a president can set in the world affairs. A black president of U.S.--- a statement which if turns into reality would cause a sweeping change. Hopefully the hatred/discrimination will vanish. Hoping against the hope.
*Fingers crossed*

Girls and make-up - inseparable??? :D

How a BOY withdraws cash from an ATM.
1. Park the car
2. Go to ATM Machine
3. Insert card
4. Enter PIN
5. Take money out
6. Take ATM Card out
7. Drive away

How a GIRL withdraws cash from an ATM
1. Park the car
2. Check makeup
3. Turn off engine
4. Check makeup
5. Go to ATM
6. Hunt for ATM card in the purse
7. Insert card
8. Hit Cancel
9. Hunt in purse for chit with PIN written on it
10. Insert card
11. Enter PIN
12. Take cash
13. Go to car
14. Check makeup
15. Start car
16. Stop car
17. Run back to ATM
18. Take ATM card
19. Back to car
20. Check makeup
21. Start car
22. Check makeup
23. Drive for 1/2 mile
24. Release handbrake
25. Drive on.


Monday 25 February 2008

Not all scars show, not all wounds heal.....

Sitting on the sea-shore I close my eyes,
and try to forget the pain and agony within....
You say I am hated, dreaded and despised,
But those drops of tears will tell you that I've been nice.

I liked you, I missed you and loved you beyond words,
But now you make me realise it was a felony comitted.
I was called heartless and my words were taken for lies,
But even that lie had a grain of truth inside.

According to you I lost your trust,
But there was nothing to lose coz you never trusted me enough,
You believed me and I shattered your hopes.
And you mocked me everytime I suffered and tried to cope.

You want to erase memories of me,
And kill me, slaughter me and rip me apart
But boy it aint that easy
Coz Ill always be there SAFE in your heart.

But no I woudnt ask for forgiveness
My hard core ego woudnt let me
You leave me distressed and I suffer in silence
My life's gone to the dogs and now its a complete mess.

I tried to ease things between us
But it would invariably backfire
Your rude remarks were unintentional...of that i was sure
But you never tried to communicate
Whether your love for me was really so pure.

You always acted soo demanding and victimized
and went a bit far too precipitous and bitter
you may have had plenty of reasons to be distraught
but I was aggravated by the way I was being treated.

Already stabbed by your hurtful words,
You made me cry myself to sleep everyday
Losing myself and completely cracking up
Thats how I lived my life day by day.

Those red puffy eyes
May never scream the truth
But the deafening silence between us
Will definitely wake you up from slumber.

So wake up
Coz it might not be too late
Better now than never coz
I promise I'll make you to beg me forever.

So lick my feet and kiss my shoes
Wag your tail and I might let you lose
But dont dare bark and make things worse
Coz ill pull off your skin and not let you remorse.

Healing my heart and drowning my woe
I commit myself to the bottle
Making merry and dancing to my tunes
But in reality torn between doubts and confusion.

How could i possibly forget??
My sheer astonishment to your angry outbursts
My resentful remembering
My days of utter pain in the heart and my silent suffering.

I hate you so much
That i could never love any one again i felt
But dont take it as an offence
Coz i mean it an insult.

Now that you are gone life's hazy and deceptive
And am mortal afraid coz theres nothing to gain
I have naysayers around me
Telling me that i am going completely insane.

Dont try to soothe the pain
Because the pain will never be soothed
But you rarely take interest in it
Considering it dull and uncouth.

I chastised myself for acting so emotionally
And i cursed myself and talked nonsense
But no more do i have the emotional strength
To counter your current vehemence.

But you still woudnt say sorry
May be because you are stoned or just plain shy
But now i so very wish you were dead
Would have been reason enough for me to cry.

It now seems presumptous that u would care
Your reversion to angry sarcasm
Has eroded my optimism too
But dont worry about me
Because am learning to detest you.

Friday 25 January 2008


Harking back to the good old school days refreshes a lot of memories. Such bitter-sweet moments still lingers in my mind like the residual taste of coffee that stays on the tongue long after one has emptied the cup.......

I spent most of my school days in Army School Secunderabad & Bolaram(1-12) & that was the time when I made friends for life. I still remember the first day of school. Dressed in a clean,neatly ironed uniform with a hanky pinned to my shirt I was ready for the so called big day. I was rhapsodizing about my new clothes to anybody who would listen. Of course the banshee screams,filling of the bucket with tears &the tantrums I threw on the first day is a tale in itself :))

I was this mixture of a smart,naughty kid & being the youngest in the family I soon got the label of a spoilt brat. Whenever I got caught for my intolerable behaviour I was always ready to feign ignorance & put on the trademark innocent expression[i m so known for it :)].....I still miss those bumpy joy rides in the school bus ,the long conversations filled with giggles with my friends during the recess under a tree,the sharing of tiffins during classes.......the teachers,my friends(nisha,dolly,norah,ankita,nikhila,nidhi.etc)---all made a profound influence in my life. They were all there to support me,boost my morale & cheer me up whenever I was feeling low.....

The best part was that I was nominated for filling the posts of the office bearers of the school(the school appointees). Cant describe in words how anxious I was. I knew what a hash I had made of my interview & wasnt expecting much. During the assembly I was declared as the School Vice Captain. The enormity of the situation hit me so hard thatI almost forgot to be happy. I was in stun mode & that was one of the few times when I realised that I was better than I thought & stronger than what I was a learning experience in itself.....the Investiture Ceremony,the dipping of the flag for the oath taking ceremony,marching with the head held high.....I wish I could relive those moments *sigh* :)

I'd be really missing something if I dont mention the P.T.A.'s. It scared the living shit out of all of us.We loathed it completely. Also everyday we were given an avalanche of homework & the regular exam sessions did nothing to ease our worries :(.... We all knew that the 'devil in disguise'(teachers) would leave no stone unturned to tell our parents how much of a nuisance we were in class & almost all my maths teachers had the same thing to say(i was lousy at maths....nevre really got the hang of it)---- "u useless brat!!! learn from your sister. She is the epitome of good manners,good intelligence & hard work"...yeah right(sarcasm)!! As if I was some deranged creep off the street....!!! (lol) & there was also this P.T. teacher of our school who believed in sitting under the shade of a tree & inflating his stomach like his inflated ego. He looked like one of the extras in those gangster movies(pardon my language but he was such a pain in the ass)!!!!!

Like any other ordinary school school girl even I had innumerable school crushes*winkz*(i had my first crush in 3rd class) :D Ofcourse I tried attracting all of them but they were immune to my charms...lolz

Now time to get a little philosophical. School life does a lot to nurture one as a human being. Its when one realises their biggest strengths & weaknesses & works on them. School life is about enjoying each nano second of the precious days & coming out of the protective cocoon......sounds like an over used cliche ??? Trust me.....this whole experience makes u a better person overall & makes u realise that life doesnt come in black & white but it comes in shades of grey.... :) :) :)