Tuesday 20 May 2008

This is Spam!!!

I open my mailbox with some trepidation and as usual I find my inbox crammed with Spam that would singe and scorch the retinas of all but the most jaded and tired out viewer. Omfg!!! Not again. Needless to add that the biggest number, of course, is that of Spam mails with offers for pornography. It makes me sick every time I remind myself to delete them all over again. Makes me go Ugh!!! Even the person with half the clue would cringe at the name of it.

But there’s something I came across in the newspaper recently which made my eyes pop out. Literally this time.

Mull over this:

“Spam is undoubtedly one of Internet reprobates’ tricks. So how does the spamming community survive and thrive when no one who is tad bit savvy admits to doing business with them? Would there be hoards of poverty-stricken spammers out there that are slowly, but surely, starving to death?

The answer is unfortunately a big NO.

Well, Contrary to popular belief, a significant number of spammers apparently aren’t at all interested in whether anyone buys their wares. They will, in fact, keep minting money even if you never click on any of the Spam mails. How?

The math is simple: Most spammers make money selling email addresses to other spammers, who then sell those same addresses to others and so on, say security experts.”

Whoa!!! Now I must confess outright that I was completely ignorant to this valuable info. How about spamming as a career? Now that’s one lucrative career option, which I am definitely not singling out.

*Evil grin*.

And why ever not? It makes you a lot of easy money. Spam masters make $10,000+ a week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And they don’t do anything except mine for more and more legitimate addresses and sell them for money.

Oohhh!!! That certainly makes me dollar eyed. $_$

*Bling bling*.

I make it sound so easy and plain. Don’t I? Lets hope to hell it is!


cricket freak said...

Hey its really a master piece.... ‘I told you’; ‘You are a part of my creation’.... was the best part of this so called poem :P.... never expected this from her!!Awesome... is a small word

MUKUL_Muses said...

Tell u wat: u sound like a "Economics Naturalist" here...as good as Steven D Levitt (Freakonomics fame)....

I wonder how these Spammers search for valid email ids...I guess they use Orkut as one 1 of their search tools coz 1 of my friends told me to never SCRAP my email id as somemname@ser.com but as somenameDOTserDOTcom...Coz they might just be searching for email ids with "." and "@" characters....

In nutshell: SUPERBLY WRITTEN !!! I enjoyed it thoroughly....Very witty....

Keep up...!!


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