Tuesday 20 May 2008

The Beautiful Feeling Called --- LIFE :).

Its easy to be others but difficult (read impossible) to be yourself...its hard to be just the unique you!!! So what if you come from a modest family?? So what if you don’t have a godfather to support you? The harsh truth is that no person who is in the best of his mind will come to your rescue...you have to chart out your own destiny!! The biggest tragedy of life is not death but what dies within while we are still alive...that explains why so many of us have turned into poor, wretched, miserable souls!! Monotony has invaded our lives.... people say, "find your true self"...huh?!?!?! Find???!!!! Gimme a break...life is not about finding ourselves...its about CREATING yourself... . Creation of the self. Creation of the head, heart and being. The striking facet of this beautiful quote is that it sheds light on the amazing power of self-belief! This may not be such a novel thought. Still it undoubtedly is an idea that is often overlooked...long back I made a foolish pretence of not realizing the true meaning of "creating" oneself.

Its you, yourself who has to live your life. Don’t let anybody tell you what decisions to make, what choices to consider, whom to love, whom to hate…. Do it all yourself and remember clearly that you yourself are responsible for all the highs and lows occurring in all our life n its your job to find a silver lining in the dark cloud.

You tried, you failed.

Heck, it doesn’t even matter. What really matters to me is that I ACTUALLY tried and tried to break away from the shackles of slumber and create myself. And what should matter is that you tried.

MAKE your own rules n bear in mind that rules are meant to be BROKEN. SET your limits and remember to NEVER put a CEILING to your aspirations. Be patient when the going gets tough but be impulsive enough to react. And most importantly believe that it’s NORMAL to lose. Keep this etched in your mind forever.

If you are one of those who feel that “ek dinn upar waala (read: god) sab kuch theek kar dega”, then now is the time to flush your face in the toilet. Do not forget to expose a larger part of your brain into it. I mean really!!! What kind of a screwball excuse is that?? It seems like a damn convoluted way of saying, “Things just haven’t worked out.” Stop behaving like a dog that goes on to lick other peoples waste matter. You aren’t a puppet and no one will make you sway to his tunes. At the end of the day it boils down to how you see life and how you perceive things. Life can either be a bed of roses or a bed of thorns. Its all in your hands.

Break free. Let the brain nerve cells and tissues realize its true potential. Strive to be what you have always wanted to be and not what people wanted to make out of you. Life has no meaning UNLESS YOU MAKE IT MEANINGFUL.

Throw away those self-help books. You don’t need somebody to teach you how to live your life!!! You have to live it YOUR WAY.

Life is not what your grandpa talked about. Life is not what you read in those philosophical books and life is certainly not what you dreamt about. Life is what you are going through. What you are experiencing. Each nanosecond of your life adds up to your memories.

Live not because you have to but because you CHOSE TO.

What we anticipate seldom occurs, what we least expect generally happens. You got to pull yourself together and get your priorities straight. Never let yourself go down a negative route. Purge all pessimism from your soul. Force to see yourself in an unflatteringly different light. Try to dispel the cobwebs of fatigue that are interfering with your cognition and emotion.

Our lives begin to end the day we remain silent on things that matters. Fan your determination. There will be times when your perennial optimism will take a serious hit.

Life isn’t an illusion. Orchestrate your present so that your future will be more to your liking.


You Trip, You Fall, And YOU GET UP. You Trip, You Fall, And YOU GET UP. You Trip, You Fall, YOU GET UP…………

Allright now. Cut the philosophizing. Who am I to go on with such psychobabble???

But isn’t the philosophy of one century the common sense of the next?????


MUKUL_Muses said...

Otherwise nicely written, I saw 2 contradictory lines:

"Throw away those self-help books. You don’t need somebody to teach you how to live your life!!! You have to live it YOUR WAY."


"But isn’t the philosophy of one century the common sense of the next?????"

chaitanya kaushik said...

ok..so this is gonna be one big BIG comment u are getting.
first things first,i loved the blog.i must say i enjoyed reading and it and that it is very much meaningful.
i wont discuss about the thngs i feel are right.
poor,wretched,miserable souls????????????What?u talk about the idea of self but at the same time u bring this idea..well,it is this matter,this body and our actions which make us wretched,poor and miserable..the self remains the self...self is truth..we under all this matter,all these lies dont do things the way they are required and mess us thngs..the soul doesnt do that.
all this money,power and stuff is illusion...not the self...what we do is that we create a contradiction between what is actually is(the truth) and the way we are making it..
yeah,we are the creator of our destinies.what is our aim?as u say,creating the real self..the real is the truth..and truth remains the truth..so,when u live a life and create it beautifully the way u want it to(the thng tht ought to be done),u reach a point of the self..which already exists...so good and right actions,thoughts etc. lead us to the same place..so when we say "finding" or "creating",it is the same thng..no difference.
because self..the truth..does not live on experience...it cant be distorted...it lives beyond everything...and it is only one...
but it is actually so insipiring..all that u wrote...i cnt mention everythng..but one more thng..may of us kno what ought to be done...we can make our lives better by even implementing on any one thing u said..but we all dont do that in real...what we do defines us..actions mean a lot..knowing isint enough...i say evolve,get up and make a difference..neways..keep it up and hope that u reach heights of reality by nothing but implementation...best of luck.:)