Tuesday 20 May 2008

Reaching Higher and Higher and Higher…

I reach high to touch the sky

With my bare hands

I run around wild and jump high

To feel the clouds in my palms.

But I feel a mild disappointment

I don’t succeed n I just don’t hide

So I jump higher this time

Opening my fist I find nothing inside.

So I climb the ladder up against the wall

But I still can’t reach the mighty sky

Throwing up my hands I cry in agitation

But the expected sympathy never reaches its destination.

With the day drawing to an end

And cold stars glinting in the sky

The ambition refuses to fade away

N am determined to touch the sky

Looking at the horizon I make up my mind

What if can’t touch the sky! The horizon will feel nice to touch.

So I pack my bags n walk bare-footed

With the company of the self-but I don’t care much.

I walk miles n miles without food for days

Cursing the darkness but appreciating the sunrise

But I don’t cry, nor do I lose hope

Coz I know it’s a passing phase

And there will be highs n lows.

Battling the mighty wind

Bearing the hot rude sun

The only way I can be strong

Is to tell myself this game is fun.

But the horizon keeps vanishing from my sight

It keeps running away from me

I lose my temper but I don’t lose hope

And I walk n bear until I could cope.

Footsore and tired

I trudged doggedly along

Comforting myself

With a nice soothing song.

Trees seemed hostile

And I had to cover miles

With the sleep in my eyes

I sat down thinking for a while.

Finally I run out of patience

Coz m just a little girl

And I curse it to no end and hurl abuses n insult.

“It’s an arrogant, conceited thing”

Saying so I console myself

And I abandon my journey

By turning to mountains instead.

The sun grew misty

As the day grew old

The world seems gray

And the mountains seemed bold.

I had wanted to touch the heavenly blue skies

But my heart skipped a beat

When I saw the tall mountains

N also when I heard those little cries.

Tears rolling down her face

She looks distressed n pale

Her feet is bloody n with each moment

I see her passing away.

I extend a hand of sympathy

But am surprised when I get back one in return

I laugh at her. ‘You wretched soul’, I tell her

‘Look how miserable you are’!

I see her dying before my eyes

And I am horrified to find it’s my reflection

The shadow laughs back n says

‘I told you’; ‘You are a part of my creation’.

I am mocked by the blue skies

The horizon uses sarcasm that surely ‘kills’

My tears don’t evoke sympathy

And sounds of laughter echo in the hills.

I throw a last glance to the sky

And curse it wholeheartedly time and again

As that’s the only way my dear soul

I can ease myself from my dying pain.


MUKUL_Muses said...

Just observed that u posted this poem at 7:53 AM.

Does this mean that u composed this poem in ur dreams?...Woke up the next day and then typed it down on ur blog...?

( :

Daya said...

so truly humane. its just amazing! esp that one abt losing the temper but not hope!

Karthik Purushothaman said...

Hey MJ, again... I know you've been highly frank and opinionative about my blog, and this isn't vendetta, I swear!

This one is truly a very boring poem that drags on and on with a pointless refrain of "Touching the sky"

Liked it in parts, but I guess your poem was like the movie "Australia" - Too tiring to enjoy as a whole...

You're much more capable than this, girl with that great heart of yours: Don't just write for the sake of ppl like those who commented before me, and pls

Write a bit more interesting okay?

Love you,

Meenakshi Janga said...

I guess I m too senile to be more 'interesting'.

And this does look like a vendetta. Dont be zapped at my firmness coz I am no Ms. Nice.